Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Global warming report could backfire on environmentalists - Watchdog.org
By Byron York | Washington Examiner
Talk about bad timing. Last month, environmental activists launched a well-funded new attack on Republican "climate change deniers" in hopes of making global warming a big issue in 2014. But as the campaign gets underway, a new report from the world's leading climate scientists could leave environmentalists on the defensive, and the "deniers" more confident and assertive.
"HOLDING CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS ACCOUNTABLE" read the headline of a League of Conservation Voters press release announcing a $2 million barrage of ads aimed at Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, as well as GOP Reps. Mike Coffman, Dan Benishek and Rodney Davis.
"We're changing the terms of the climate change debate," said an LCV spokesman. "It's no longer acceptable to be a member of Congress and deny basic science."
Read more at Washington Examiner.
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Source : http://watchdog.org/106165/global-warming-report-could-backfire-on-environmentalists/