Sunday, September 29, 2013
Our âhomeâ black hole's last big blast dated to 2 million years ago - World Science
Sept. 22, 2013
Courtesy of the Australian Astronomical Observatory
and World Science staff
A dormant "volcano"—a giant black hole—lies at the heart of our galaxy. Fresh evidence suggests it last erupted two million years ago, astronomers say.
The evidence, they say, comes from a lacy thread of gas, mostly hydrogen, called the Magellanic Stream, trailing our galaxy's two small companion galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.
The findings are described in a paper accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Bland-Hawthorn will speak about the work at the Galaxy Zoo meeting in Sydney, Australia, on Sept. 24.
A black hole is an object so compact that its gravity becomes overwhelming and draws in anything that strays too close, including light. An eruption of energy occurs when the black hole swallows a large amount of material.
Most galaxies are believed to harbor a giant black hole at their centers, called a supermassive black hole. The one at the heart of our galaxy, the Milky Way, has been known for decades. A swarm of stars orbit it; their paths let us "weigh" the black hole, or technically, measure its mass. That is estimated to be the equivalent of four million Suns.
The region around the black hole, called Sagittarius A* ["A-star"], pours out radiation in the form of radio waves, infrared, X-rays and gamma rays. Flickers of this radiation rise up when small clouds of gas fall onto the hot disk of matter that swirls around the black hole.
But evidence has been building of a real cataclysm in the past, astronomers say. Infrared and X-ray satellites have seen a powerful outflow of material from this central region. Material known as antimatter boiling out has left its signature. And there are the "Fermi bubbles"—two huge hot bubbles of gas billowing out from the galactic center, seen in gamma-rays and radio waves.
"All this points to a huge explosion at the center of our galaxy," said team member Philip Maloney of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Such a blast is called a Seyfert flare.
Scientists studying the galactic center came together at a workshop at Stanford University in California earlier this year. While there, Professor Bland-Hawthorn said he realized the Stream could be holding the memory of the galactic center's past. Struck by the fiery breath of Sagittarius A*, he argues, the Stream is emitting light, much as particles from the Sun hit our atmosphere and trigger the colored glows in the sky called the Northern and Southern Lights.
In the Stream, ultraviolet light splits hydrogen atoms into their parts, protons and electrons. When those components recombine, the electrons give off "H-alpha" emission—a specific wavelength, or "color," of light. The brightest glow in the Stream comes from the region nearest the galactic center.
Geometry, the amount of energy from the original flare from Sagittarius A*, the time the flare would take to travel to the Magellanic Stream, the rate at which the Stream would have cooled over time—"it all fits together, it all adds up," said team member Greg Madsen of the University of Cambridge in the UK.
The galaxy's stars don't produce enough ultraviolet to account for the glow. Nor could they have in the past, said Bland-Hawthorn. "The galactic center never formed stars at a high enough rate."
Will such an explosion happen again? "There are lots of stars and gas clouds that could fall onto the hot disk around the black hole," said Bland-Hawthorn. "There's a gas cloud called G2 that we think will fall in next year. It's small, but we're looking forward to the fireworks!"
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