Friday, September 27, 2013
Curiosity Discovers Plenty Of Evidence Of Water On Mars And An Unusual Rock - International Business Times
The one year spent on Mars by Curiosity has been a boon to science. Most recently NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity has discovered further evidence of water on the planet as well as a mugearite, a volcanic rock that was totally different from other rocks found on Mars.
Curiosity recently discovered evidence of water on Mars. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems
In the latest round of research, collected in a special edition of the journal Science. The biggest finding among the latest research was evidence of water in soil samples collected by Curiosity. According to the researchers, two percent of the soil found on Mars contains water. At a waypoint on its way to Mount Sharp, Curiosity discovered traces of sandstone, deposited by ancient flowing water.
Researchers from Los Alamos National Laboratory analyzed soil samples using several of Curiosity's instruments. Analysis of soil samples revealed two "components" on the surface of the planet, a fine-grained dust and coarser particles. These coarser particles, according to the researchers, were possibly rocks that had eroded over time to become soil.
The soil samples collected by Curiosity. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
The analysis by the Los Alamos researchers concluded the presence of water was consistent across the surface of Mars. The small amount of water found on Mars could, in theory, be obtained by future astronauts by simply heating up the soil. The soil sample analysis indicated Mars had a volcanic past which was instrumental in shaping the surface of the planet.
In addition to finding more evidence of water, Curiosity discovered a rather Earth-like rock. The rock, named "Jake_M" after Jake Matijevic, a deceased Jet Propulsion Laboratory engineer, is a mugearite that can be found on ocean islands on Earth. Co-author Martin Fisk, from Oregon State University, states the discovery of the mugearite is evidence of water deep underneath the surface of Mars.
The mugearite discovered by Curiosity. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
Fisk, explaining how mugearites form on Earth, said in a statement, "It starts with magma deep within the Earth that crystallizes in the presence of 1-2 percent water. The crystals settle out of the magma and what doesn't crystallize is the mugearite magma, which can eventually make its way to the surface as a volcanic eruption."
Volcanic rocks crystalize in a specific pattern and one of the minerals that crystalizes early, feldspar, will crystalize later when water is around, resulting in a rock's composition similar to mugearite, notes Fisk. Discovering volcanic rock does not guarantee there is water beneath the surface of Mars and, there needs to be much more research prior to making any such claims, the mugearite discovery may indicate a non-homogenized interior of Mars."
Curiosity has yet to arrive at Mount Sharp, the next major area of scientific study. The rover will drill into layers of rock to learn more about the history of Mars. Mount Sharp has more exposed layers of rock than the area near Curiosity's landing site, Glenelg.
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